VI Lenin reports from his extensive world tour.

Wednesday, July 23, 2003

I've been in the studio, trying out some new material. I have a great new riff about the inevitability of collectivization - even the engineers were humming it.

Marlon is talking about remixes - something I don't really understand. Apparently, I should be putting my speeches out in different versions, with other artists adding their own words. Strange idea, but what choice do I have? Being one of the undead, I have to do what the label wants.

Did you see Mrs Cherry Blair covering "When I'm 64" on TV? That chick's got a voice.

I was only 53 when I died, so I've never thought of that particular song as one of my favourites. I prefer "Yellow Submarine", which I wrote with Ivan Macartney, and which was originally called "Red Tank".

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